Wednesday, June 8, 2011

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  • peer123
    07-18 07:25 PM
    Hi Friends,
    I have applied for my I485 last month and received receipt numbers this week. At the time I consulted my company lawyer and he said it is possible apply from your wife's company for both of us and when USCIS gets to approving one application they will ask other one to be withdrawn.
    The reason I asked and agreed to do so was manily because of the VERY unstable condition our my job. My wife's job is more stable than mine.
    Now we are try to apply from my wife's company, her lawyer is saying that we can not have more than one I485 pending, had I known this - it more based on interpretation from the lawyers I would not have applied for my application just applied for my wife's.
    Hoping that nothing may happen should I drop the idea of applying for I485 from my wife's company. Although my hope line is too thin.
    My question is has any on in similar situation applied for 2 I485s. I am really confused as my lawyer says that it is possible and my wife's lawyer says it is not possible to have 2 pending I485 applications..

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  • iv_only_hope
    01-15 10:20 AM
    Update from my lawyers site

    For China-mainland born EB-2, if demand remains as has been seen over the last couple of months, it is expected that the 01 JAN 03 cut-off date will hold, and it is likely that all numbers will be used within the current cut-off date. The State Dept. has ssured that it is looking for mechanisms to maximize number usage so that no visa numbers remain unallocated, and is looking for ways to make additional India and China-mainland born numbers available, such as by making sure that unused numbers that had been sent to consular posts are promptly returned

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  • mrsr
    07-31 09:14 PM
    is he a self filer? or done through attorney

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  • TomPlate
    01-09 10:20 AM
    Hi Guys
    I know somany experts in this Forum

    I am some problem becoz of desi company

    I am working for Company A I applied GC from Company B

    I joined in Company B just one month ago but my 180 days passed can i port AC21 is there any copulsory period need to be on their payroll

    please help me

    I have problems which everybody can understand wht problems with desi company

    Let us assume you get an RFE and you give documents related to above, will the immigration officer think more on your case. This may have negative impacts on your application. I would rather say work for 5 to 8 months in the green card sponsor company and then leave.


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  • andy garcia
    09-17 12:49 PM
    Come on Andy - I am looking forward to see you in DC

    I saw those guys in the situation room. I will look like their grandfather.:mad:

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  • Misha79
    03-27 05:45 PM
    Hi all ,

    Me and my husband are planning india trip in jun or july this year for 2-3 weeks.We both need to get our visas stamped in New Delhi .
    We are short on time and our native places are far .So to save time and keep the window for passport arrival if approved or any problems ,postal delays..I was thinking to get visa-interview-date the day we land to delhi.
    So here is the probelm,travelling with heavy bags ,international baggage is unsafe and difficult.
    What would be the travel tips ?
    Our plan is-
    1.To stay in some hotel in delhi the day we land( if we reach in evening) and go to stamping next day.
    Where to stay? Should we go to consulate with all international luggageand directly travel for native or keep in hotel room, come back later for it ,is it safr options?

    Traveeling is also difficult

    2.Then for there on ,what transport ,bus,delux bus,train ,or flight to take to chandigarh.
    what ever is easiest for us ?
    For regular bus(i know is pretty fast,5-6 hrs) ,we have to go to ISBT and keep lugaage on top of bus...i dont know about seats...availability .

    For deluxe, never travelled so need tips.
    Or better to take train ,go to railway station.

    I dont know if domestic flgihts allow that much of baggage option, do they allow international luggage ,something like through checkin.

    Please throw in your valuable suggestions to make our trip easy and better usage of time.


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  • sripk
    07-18 08:52 PM
    Below is a draft statement i prepared and appreciate if you can review it and suggest any changes reqd if this is not convincing.

    I travelled to Tijuana, Mexico from San Diego. I entered the US Port of Entry at San Ysidro. My previous I-94 white entry card had been taken and I requested a new I-94 but since I already had a valid I-94 on my H-1B approval notice, the office would not issue a new I-94 white entry card.
    I have a copy of my previous I-94 entry card from <prev_entry_date>

    Few questions that may arise based on above statement:
    1. Why was your I94 from H1B notice still with you and not submiited at POE when you left the country?
    -Since i travelled by land the US POE is in Tijuana and so i submitted my expired I94 to them and also the valid I94 from H1B notice and asked for new white I94 card. Unfortunately the officer just stapled the valid H1B I94 to passport and told i am good to go. There is no stamp on it either and hence i am concerned.

    Any other possible questions you can think of that needs to be addressed in my statement?

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  • redcard
    09-13 02:33 PM
    Started this thread just to encourage us after oct bulletin:

    We know that unless a bill is passed (SKIL), retrogression issue cant be solved. It is not an easier task to accomplish but a task that needs more courage and efforts. Each time when we see the visa bulletin with no movement in dates, we feel more depressed but we should always remember this, no matter how many times we fall or pushed back, our goal is to get up and move with more strength. Now everyone is going through tough phases of life in one way or the other. This is not new for us, we have dealt this type of problems before.

    As people say: "good things will happen to those who wait". Our team efforts (in IV), our hard work and prayers will definitely move the mountains. All we need now is faith and patience so that we can put focussed efforts to pass this SKIL bill by end of this year. Soon we will find ways to achieve this.

    After october visa bulletin.. start predictions for Nov Bulletin or may be for Oct 2007 bulletin..:D


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  • jliechty
    May 23rd, 2005, 08:18 PM
    I would suggest that a very slight amount of fill flash would make the eyes not be so dark. However, if you have a decent photo editing program, you could experiment with the "dodge" function to selectively lighten the eyes just enough to make them come out of the shadow, but not enough to be obvious. Also, consider attempting some "soft filter" attempts in said imaging program, to make the portrait more flattering (in other words, to subdue some facial imperfections).

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  • SREE_485
    08-09 02:01 PM
    I am new member and will appreciate anybody clarifies my concerns regarding my I-485 filed on july 2nd.

    My employer asked me to send my 485 application directly to NSC instead of attorney Since there was a wide spread rumor last month( june ) end that USCIS going to accept the applications that are going reach them only on July 2nd and I did exactly the same thing. NSC received my application by July 2 at 7:30am.

    I properly signed my set of applications (485,765,131,134,325a,g28) and my wife did the same with her set.

    I didn't give attorney info on any of the applications except on G-28 FORM.

    BUT there is no attorney signature on G-28 FORM since I filed on my own and Is going to create any problem, I mean is there any possibility that USCIS GOING to reject My application? Your help greatly appreciated.


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  • mygc2006
    06-14 11:58 AM
    I thought once your EAD gets approved then you H1 Visa is not longer valid.

    You could keep EAD and H1 together active?? Any experts, could you please throw some light?
    Yes, you can keep EAD and H1 at same time..

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  • anandrajesh
    01-05 12:40 PM
    We are now at 8000 members exactly, as of 1:00 EST January 5th.

    & When checked at 1:30 the number is 8034. 34 members in 30 minutes??? sure all your postings in other websites working. AT this pace we should reach 10000 soon.


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  • rotucan
    12-17 09:43 AM
    I have good comments from Zhang Office

    I have my case with Tindall & Foster...:( I do not recommend them

    good luck

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  • mrajatish
    04-02 08:51 PM
    I am not part of the founder org. but I am just shocked at the venom you show in all your messages.

    Your goals so far has been
    1. Complain and rant about things.
    2. Discourage people for participating in IV.
    3. Trying to do a "divide-and-conquer" within IV.

    IV is for all legal EB based immigration - it is very clear in the mission statement what is its goal.

    Also, even if IV was as myopic as you claim, future generations of EB immigrants wll benefit simply by virtue of the fact that people currently in line will not fight with them for GC.

    I have been an IV member for a long time, from the days when IV was 50 people org. One of the goals of IV has been to avoid personally maligning people, so I will refrain from that, but if you want to take up this matter, send me a PM with your email address. My email address is mrajatish AT



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  • hi_mkg
    05-08 03:43 PM
    Thanks Prashanthi for the help. I'll ask my brother to talk to his attorney about 245K option.

    With warm regards,

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  • arnet
    09-20 03:49 PM
    for link:

    create your application and fill DS-156/157 etc and you should see the appt calendar page. on rightside of this page, it usually shows link for emergency appt. but they change the vfs site often. send email to vfs, check contact us page and they will help you out to find this link.

    for appt:

    you can try checking everyday VFS site, some people cancel their appt before 10 or 15 days and you can get it but for chennai it is little difficult because people book it immediately. try, which alerts through email or sound when your dates are available but i think you need to pay for this.

    but there are dates available in delhi/kolkatta and other consulates, you can consider flying a day before and get it done. flight fares from chennai to delhi/mumbai/kolkata are cheaper costs you 5000 rupees per person for roundtrip (which is $100 per person), hotels are cheaper, check or rediff for flight/hotel fares.

    Disclaimer: I'm not an immigration attroney, please check with one for your situation as laws/procedures are changing often.


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  • Blog Feeds
    03-22 12:20 PM
    AILA Leadership Has Just Posted the Following:
    "We pushed back on the undue influence of special interests," President Obama said. "We didn't give in to mistrust or to cynicism or to fear. Instead, we proved that we are still a people capable of doing big things."

    The President was talking about the historic healthcare overhaul that passed the House 219-212 last night and is now headed to his desk for signature. Let's hope his statement foreshadows what he will say about immigration reform in the months to come. The healthcare battle demonstrated the fight for immigration reform will be tough. But we knew that. Now, at least, we know that an immigration overhaul is possible.

    It was symbolic that Sunday's immigration reform rally in Washington, which according to reports was tens of thousands strong, was overshadowed by the drama that played out in the Congress over the healthcare bill. Since the Administration took office in 2009, immigration reform has played second fiddle to the overhaul of the healthcare system. But now that healthcare reform has become a reality, it is time for the Administration and Congress to get to the hard work of overhauling our badly broken immigration system.

    The dysfunctional immigration system is a cancer that whittles away at the very fabric of our cherished democratic values every day it continues to fester. Each time an outstanding scientist, innovative business investor, or creative professional is turned away from our country because of inadequate visa numbers or restrictionist agency enforcement America's competitive edge is further weakened. Our nation's ability to compete in a global economy demands transnational employment. Each immigrant that is locked up due to draconian mandatory detention laws, without so much as the right to see a judge, demonstrates that the rights of all Americans are threatened by bad immigration laws. Each undocumented child who is denied a higher education or a chance to serve our country is evidence that the broken immigration system has transformed the American Dream into a nightmare for some of America's most promising children.

    Senators Graham and Schumer began to put pen to paper last week by laying out a four pillared framework for immigration reform: ending illegal employment through biometric Social Security cards, enhancing border and interior enforcement, managing the flow of future immigration to correspond to economic realities, and creating a tough but fair path toward legalization for the 11 million people currently in the U.S. without authorization. While I have serious questions about a couple of the proposals�the biometric Social Security card raises important privacy concerns for example�I am encouraged that with the passage of healthcare reform immigration will now move to the front burner. Hopefully, Senators Graham and Schumer (and President Obama) took a few minutes Sunday morning to read Tom Friedman's excellent piece in the New York Times about a dinner he attended last week for the finalists of the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search, which, through a national contest, identifies and honors the top math and science high school students in America. As Friedman writes, most finalists were from immigrant families:

    Indeed, if you need any more convincing about the virtues of immigration, just come to the Intel science finals. I am a pro-immigration fanatic. I think keeping a constant flow of legal immigrants into our country � whether they wear blue collars or lab coats � is the key to keeping us ahead of China. Because when you mix all of these energetic, high-aspiring people with a democratic system and free markets, magic happens. If we hope to keep that magic, we need immigration reform that guarantees that we will always attract and retain, in an orderly fashion, the world's first-round aspirational and intellectual draft choices.

    This isn't complicated. In today's wired world, the most important economic competition is no longer between countries or companies. The most important economic competition is actually between you and your own imagination. Because what your kids imagine, they can now act on farther, faster, cheaper than ever before � as individuals. Today, just about everything is becoming a commodity, except imagination, except the ability to spark new ideas.

    If I just have the spark of an idea now, I can get a designer in Taiwan to design it. I can get a factory in China to produce a prototype. I can get a factory in Vietnam to mass manufacture it. I can use to handle fulfillment. I can use to find someone to do my logo and manage by backroom. And I can do all this at incredibly low prices. The one thing that is not a commodity and never will be is that spark of an idea. And this Intel dinner was all about our best sparklers.

    Before the dinner started, each contestant stood by a storyboard explaining their specific project. Namrata Anand, a 17-year-old from the Harker School in California, patiently explained to me her research, which used spectral analysis and other data to expose information about the chemical enrichment history of "Andromeda Galaxy." I did not understand a word she said, but I sure caught the gleam in her eye.

    My favorite chat, though, was with Amanda Alonzo, a 30-year-old biology teacher at Lynbrook High School in San Jose, Calif. She had taught two of the finalists. When I asked her the secret, she said it was the resources provided by her school, extremely "supportive parents" and a grant from Intel that let her spend part of each day inspiring and preparing students to enter this contest. Then she told me this: Local San Jose realtors are running ads in newspapers in China and India telling potential immigrants to "buy a home" in her Lynbrook school district because it produced "two Intel science winners."

    Seriously, ESPN or MTV should broadcast the Intel finals live. All of the 40 finalist are introduced, with little stories about their lives and aspirations. Then the winners of the nine best projects are announced. And finally, with great drama, the overall winner of the $100,000 award for the best project of the 40 is identified. This year it was Erika Alden DeBenedictis of New Mexico for developing a software navigation system that would enable spacecraft to more efficiently "travel through the solar system." After her name was called, she was swarmed by her fellow competitor-geeks.

    Gotta say, it was the most inspiring evening I've had in D.C. in 20 years. It left me thinking, "If we can just get a few things right � immigration, education standards, bandwidth, fiscal policy � maybe we'll be O.K." It left me feeling that maybe Alice Wei Zhao of North High School in Sheboygan, Wis., chosen by her fellow finalists to be their spokeswoman, was right when she told the audience: "Don't sweat about the problems our generation will have to deal with. Believe me, our future is in good hands."

    As long as we don't shut our doors.

    More... (

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  • alterego
    10-27 07:58 PM
    I think the lawyer wants her to get the h4 stamped so she can stay in status in case of any problems with the 485, especially since you are maintaining your H1b/AOS pending on which she is a dependent.
    Since she has not used the H1b or got it stamped and since you have applied for 485 before it was to take effect, she is safe with your dependent 485 AOS and H4 status. Cancelling her H1b will benefit you guys from any confusion at the consulate. Either way the AP will allow her to return in AOS without problems.

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  • Breezestorm
    07-22 05:50 PM
    Can you please tell us why you need PCC from India? Is this for the 485?

    12-17 09:33 PM
    My labor was approved in October 2005 and the dates were in 1998 then so couldnt apply for 485. I applied for I 140 and that was approved in December 2005. Couldnt apply for I 485 until June 2007 just 1 month before the "free for all" where my dear friends with PD in 2007 could also apply.
    Just makes you smile doesnt it :)

    01-05 01:22 PM
    Threads: 2,478, Posts: 38,790, Members: 8,057, Active Members: 3,571

    There seems to be a discrepency between the number on the statistics page (the above was picked from there), and the Memberlist page.

    I guess, Logiclife was pointing to the 8000 mark on the Memberlist page (which as of this post is 8046), which was reached today.

    Can anyone explain the discrepency?

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